Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Start of Something New

There comes a time in every person’s life when they have to come to the realization that what they are doing isn’t working out to well for them. It might be something simple like the company that they are with or something major like a drug problem. Or in cases like mine they could realize that nothing in their life is working out for them. It not that I have an awful life by any means, its just the things that I haven’t yet accomplished are weighing on me now more than ever. I haven’t finished school, I haven’t lost the weight, I haven’t become the person that I want to be. I know I have a lot of life left to live, but I have to ask myself what is the point of living this life it if I am not 100% happy with the way that I go about living it? The answer: none. So I have decided to make some drastic changes. With this being the new year and all I have decided on some goals that will help get on the right path to metamorphose into the person that I have always wanted to be. 

Personal Development 
be more patient 
be more outgoing and open to new people 
stress less
be less sarcastic 
read at least 2 new books a month

Health and Fitness
eat 2 healthy meals and day and allow a SMALL cheat at the third meal 
lose 15 pounds by April 1st 
be able to run a 5k by my birthday 
exercise 3 times a week with Leslie consistently and run an extra day each week 

make an effort to see my parents once a week and call them twice a week
take more interest in my sister and her schooling and extra curricular 
spend more quality time with Chris other than watching movies 
spend more time with Molly and exercise her more

organize 1 area each week and keep it organized 

cook more meals a home and use the money we would have spent eating out to start a  nest egg
pay off my credit card debts
create a budget and stick with it
track my spending 

Now I know these are a lot of goals, but I have a whole year to accomplish them. Some of them are going to be continuos goals, some are goals that are going to be reworked with I accomplish them, but all of them are going to help me be the person I am going to be someday. 
Enough with all the heavy stuff. Let me tell y’all about something fun. For New Years every year my work closes down and we have a huge staff party. This year we had about 300 people come out for food, awards, and dancing. I was fortunate enough to win Best Manager (yay me!) So who knows, maybe one day all of my lovely readers will be jumping at the chance to eat at my future restaurant and bar (here’s hoping) 

Monday, December 3, 2012

All I Want For Christmas Is...

   You!... And some shiny new things. I don’t know about you, but Christmas is my favorite time of year. I start getting excited for the holidays right around Halloween and it doesn’t stop until way after new years. Christmas was my mother’s favorite holiday and I like to do it up as a way to remember her. I have already started to plan out how I want to decorate the house and I am super excited to pick out my Christmas tree. 

   Another favorite part of Christmas is making my Christmas list. I know it is silly for an almost 24 year old to still make out a list for Santa, but I like to have a throw back to my childhood every now and again. So without further delay, my list. 

Dear Santa, 
   I have been a good (well as good as I can be) girl all year and I would love some shiny new presents. Please bring me: 

Michael Kors Hamilton Satchel

A White IPad
          May Flowers Lilly Pulitzer IPad Cover
              Tory Burch Riding Boots

 Blogilities Train Like A Beast Tank

           Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette


Until next year Santa,

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Cinderella Project

   Monday was the starting point to the Cinderella Project and I am quite excited to start on this journey I have planned out for myself. Now what is the Cinderella Project you may ask. The Cinderella Project is what I have decided to call my journey to find my better self. There are so many things that I would like to improve about myself and in my life and what better way to make sure I stay on track is to write about it to keep myself accountable. 

Starting Goals:
Lose 50 pounds by Dec 31 2013 
Finish college
Organize my room and keep it organized 
Start and build a solid savings account 
Read 35 books by Dec 31 2013
Teach myself how to cook 
Start and and continuously work on my blog 
Become a better makeup and hair artist for myself 

   The past couple of days have actually been pretty good. I haven’t worked out with my trainer yet but I am planning to do that tomorrow and Friday morning. I eaten pretty well too. I have made the decision to shop at Whole Foods and eat mostly organic products. So far I have really enjoyed that decision. My honey made me dinner tonight with organic chicken and vegetables and it was so good. I could truly taste a difference between organic and non organic products. The chicken was so tender and moist. 

Until next time, 
The Blemished Belle 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Fall In Love With Myself (Pun Intended)

Well its official, it is now fall! I love fall it is by far my favorite season and with the changing of the seasons I realized that I really need to get myself in gear for a change in myself. I have been living my life the same way for the past couple of years and I am tired of it being this way. I have weight issues, organizational issues, financial issues etc. and I want to do something about it. So this blog will be a record of my journey to self improvement and more importantly, self love. I want to be happy with my life again and I can’t expect myself to be happy with the things around me if I am not happy with myself. So here goes.